neoncube Yay, it's working again! ^_^ It looks like all of the course avatars are currently broken, but that's something that's going to have to wait until I wake up tomorrow 😛 Goodnight, everyone, and sorry again for all of the trouble!
neoncube I've just done a major update to My Little Word Land's backend (updated Laravel from v8 to v10 and updated PHP from 7 to 8 🙂 ) Everything seems fine, but if you run into any issues, please let me know! 🙂
neoncube @DW7 The course pictures are still broken, sorry. I need to do some work with uploading them to a different server in order to get them working again :/ Can you log in now?
DW7 Can you log in now? Not initially on MS Edge, (but on Firefox), so I closed Edge and have now logged in (without course images of course). Makes me realise how much I rely on images to find my courses.
7shi For reference, here is my dashboard. Courses added before the server trouble are showing images, but courses added after the recovery are not.
neoncube I've just finished fixing the course images for all courses that were migrated from Memrise! 🙂 Now I just need to fix the course images for courses that were made on My Little Word Land 🙂
neoncube All course avatars should now be fixed! 🙂 I've also temporarily disabled uploading new course avatars, as I have to rewrite that piece of code in order for it to work again.
neoncube @7shi Np! ^_^ It looks like both of those courses are fixed now 🙂 I think that someone manually recreated the Speak Toki Pona course before I had a chance to upload it, so it's actually a user-created course! 🙂