I don't think this was ever mentioned, but I liked the "hints" feature that Memrise had, it helped me learn. Maybe it wasn't that popular, I don't know, but I found it helpful.

I know you've had a lot of requests and I don't want you to feel too bogged down or pressured. It's just a suggestion. 🙂

Thanks for everything.


neoncube Can you explain how it works?

It's actually quite simple - if you click/tap the hint-button (refering to Android here), the app will simply delete all faulty text that you might have entered and add the next correct letter.

A couple of years back, this function was linked to a score system (don't recall exactly how it worked), i. e. you only had a limited amount of hints to use. With a correct answer the count was incremented I believe, but it could have had a more sophisticated mechanism.

I for one love the hints - I hate having to enter long text. The hints allow me to just repeatedly tap the hints button to avoid that where I wasn't able to copy'n'paste an answer due to the learning mechanism.

Interesting! I'll have to think about this.

@[deleted] Maybe this is a dumb question, but what did you primarily use the hints for?


    I used it when I was still learning a word or phrase, I would find out the letters I didn't know and eventually learn that way. I used it as an alternative to writing words/phrases down.