First of all, a huge thank you for taking up the baton that Memrise is sadly passing on!
My pride and joy Memrise course was https://mylittlewordland.com/course/44431 or https://app.memrise.com/community/course/192612/eesti-tere-tere-jalle-ene-knk-ks-a0-b2/ , which on Memrise has 154 levels and 13042 words, and which here has 8276 words.
For me one of the things that made Memrise stand apart from all the others (apart from the perfect mix of making you think during reviews but also being really forgiving and non-perfectionist) was ability to put the same word in more than one level in a course. This means that you can separate chapters in books and review only what you need to, or learn only what you don't know before looking at a chapter of a book.
Is it something you might ever consider? I realise that this adds a whole new level of complexity to the database thing, and I'm wondering if what I actually need to do is create my own "Barry's Estonian Course" specific Android app.
In more realistic wishes:
- could there be an ignore accents mode?
- could I get the ability to edit the courses that were created by Barrybounce02?