Dear Neoncube, thank you!
Ok, from now on I will add new words here, thank you! If you would be so kind, please, delete it and make a new copy, however, there will be some audios missing (not sure whether it is problem on my side or M.´s, I use chrome, but tried it also on firefox, deleted cookies and tried again, also, checked whether does not avast ban something… I don´t know why it is not suddenly possible to add audios to the words).
I have tried (and also found) My Little Word Land yesterday for the first time and I liked it very much (also I am right now upset with M., because I have been using it for cca 10 years and loved it… I just can´t cope with these changes and cancelling of community courses) - I hope I will transfer myself here and forget about that disappointment with M., haha. I just really need to learn the words which I am putting into courses, not same new sentences…, I am not on the same track as new M.
I have a question - is it possible to make also chapters like I used to have on Memrise, or is it better to create a separate course for the chapters (but it could make a mess with a lot of greek courses)? Because right now I have more than 3k words on M. and it would be really chaotic to have all the words in just one chapter. Right now, I am trying to look around here on MYWL and learn about the possibilities here.
I really appreciate your effort and a lot of time you put into this!