I would like to have the option to choose between 4 or 6 boxes when learning words using the multiple-choice function. The current setup is good, but I would prefer it to be more like it was on Memrise, where I could answer quickly and efficiently.
If possible, could you also add a clickable sound, with an option to mute or unmute, for right and wrong answers? Additionally, I would suggest that when an incorrect answer is selected, instead of showing the entire page of words, the incorrect answer could be marked in red, the correct answer in green, and then a 'Continue' button would appear.
There is another custom option that could be added, which is a half-second or so delay after clicking on the correct answer, so that it doesn't switch too quickly to the next word.
Whatever you manage to implement, thank you in any case, as you have already created this site, and that alone is a lot. I truly appreciate your work.