Probably as an action to push users to their "new experience", Memrise has unlisted all their official courses, as announced here:
"Please note you will not be able to enrol in any official content in the Classic experience as this now lives in the new experience. You should only return to the Classic experience to learn community-created courses."
Courses that have been enrolled are still accessible, but users can no longer search for official courses in the course catalogue for enrollment (i.e. unlisted). This has caused me troubles - I've just finished Portuguese (Portugal) 2 for English speakers and would like to continue with the 3rd course. While it's possible to do so here on MLWL, I'm more accostumed to the Memrise interface and would like to keep using "legacy Memrise" for as long as possible. Does anyone here have the link to that course? It would even be better if anyone could list out the links to all official courses.