7shi This is a topic that came up in the discussion, but I'm putting it up as a stand-alone item to be sure. https://forum.mylittlewordland.com/d/68-ignore-this-word-option/6 There are some words that I pushed without understanding "ignore" when I first came to MLWL, and I couldn't get back.
Hazz1123 @neoncube is there any update of this idea? P.S. your site is fantastic, thanks for your hard work. You've made my biblical Hebrew studies so much easier!
7shi Hazz1123 [Reset progress] seems to be the substitute. https://forum.mylittlewordland.com/d/159-new-feature-reset-course-progress
neoncube Hazz1123 Sorry, I forgot to reply to your post. Hope you are doing well, and thanks for the kind words! 🙂
neoncube It's now possible to unignore words! 🙂 See https://forum.mylittlewordland.com/d/219-unignoring-words-new-feature-and-changes-to-ignoring-words for details.