Yes, this should already be implemented 🙂 In general, the following pairings are available:
- Word -> Definition and Word -> Definition
For some languages, like Chinese, there's also Word -> Pronunciation, but not Pronunciation -> Anything else. I suppose I should probably also apply this to the Gender and Part of Speech columns! 🙂
For courses with pictures that have Word, Definition, and Picture columns:
- Word -> Definition and Definition -> Word
- Word -> Picture and Picture -> Word
- Definition -> Picture and Picture -> Definition
For courses that have a Picture column but only one Word or Definition column:
- Word/Definition -> Picture and Picture -> Word/Definition
The thinking is that for a geography course, for example, a picture is matched with a single word/definition column. For languages, there might be a Word column, a Definition column, and a Picture column, in which case matches are made between all three columns 🙂