@[deleted]: how about a thread where you could post updates about the progress regarding the backup of Memrise's community courses? You could let us know any progress you made regarding what courses have been backed up and/or imported resp. carried over to MLWL.
I do a little search for French from German every week or so, but nothing shows up so far. No that it'd be urgent, I'm just wondering as to whether you're still downloading courses, what courses might slip through your fingers (I suppose you can only download public courses), what courses are actually being downloaded by you, how you might plan (hopefully you do!) to provide them for download and what format you're actually downloading them (are you using @Eltaurus' approach?).
Assuming you are busy adding new features (audio it is presently, as I gather) but presuming that we only have two months left (might be less than one month considering the usual Memrise-reliability!), downloading courses might be important - they could be gone any moment ...