Hi everyone! 🙂
I've just released to https://beta.mylittlewordland.com a new feature that makes it so that audio is played after correctly answering a question, instead of as soon as a question is shown.
One reason for this change is that with the previous approach (playing audio as soon as a question was shown), audio could only be played when answering in one's native language, because otherwise the audio would give away the answer.
For example, let's say we're English speakers learning the Spanish word "hola", which means "hi". With the previous approach, as soon as we showed "hola" and asked for the English, we would immediately play the audio for "hola". However, when we showed "hello" and asked for the Spanish, we wouldn't play any audio, because that would have give away the answer.
With the new approach, we can play audio for all of the testing directions.
To try out the new feature, go to https://beta.mylittlewordland.com . Any learning or reviewing that you do on https://beta.mylittlewordland.com is automatically transferred to https://mylittlewordland.com . Let me know what you think or if you run into any bugs! 🙂