It'd be really helpful to have an on-screen keyboard appear with all the letters required for a given course.
With the range of languages, and therefore possible alphabets and writing systems, as well as the use of learner-specific characters (such as letters with diacritics not easily typable on regular keyboards due to their lack of usage in actual typing, but frequently used in learner materials, and therefore beginner-level courses), I feel like the easiest thing would be to collate all the different Unicode characters used in the answers for a given course and have those appear on screen to copy / type into the answer box.
It'd be messy, but the other option is a language-specific on-screen keyboard, which might miss seldom-used diacritics (especially for something like Arabic). Just an idea which would be handy given I can't easily install different keyboards on my laptop, which I'll be using until a mobile app becomes feasible / if no app is ever developed (I understand this is a huge undertaking).
Apologies if this has been raised before or if I've just missed something when using the courses.