Kmud2628 I cannot Register, login, search courses or do anything. I am so confused and just wanna see if that course I’ve been study for years is on here ðŸ˜
neoncube Hi Kmud2628 🙂 Sorry to hear this! Can you post a screenshot of any error message that you're seeing?
CennoxX Same her. Nothing happens, when I click on Register. The option request to ends in 204 "CORS Allow Origin Not Matching Origin", the following POST request ends with "NS ERROR DOM BAD URI". Also maybe you shouldn't leave your source code / stack trace open for everyone to see? Edit: Ah, problem is, that the http link doesn't redirect to https, from http it doesn't work, from https it works.
neoncube @CennoxX and @Kmud2628 This should now be fixed! @CennoxX Thank you again for the help diagnosing this! 🙂 Cloudflare says that about 10% of traffic during this month had been using HTTP instead of HTTPS '-_-