• Announcements
  • [New feature] Download course progress via a browser extension!

Hi everyone! 🙂

I've come up with a way to let people back up their progress from Memrise. There isn't yet a way to import this progress into My Little Word Land, but I'd recommend that people go ahead and back up their progress on Memrise official courses, since you'll no longer be able to back up your progress on those courses after March 31st.

How to back up your progress:

  1. If you're using Firefox, install this extension. If you're using Chrome or another browser, install this extension.

  2. Go to https://app.memrise.com

  3. Open a course.

  4. If you're on Firefox, click the extensions icon, right click the Memrise Community Course Progress Exporter extension, and select "Always Allow on app.memrise.com":

    Image description

  5. Click "Export progress":

    Image description

  6. A file should be downloaded, which contains your course progress.

Repeat the above steps for each course that you'd like to back up progress for.

    Thank you so much! This is kind of an urgent matter. Would you mind also posting on Reddit, Facebook (Memrise Madness group) and any other communities of Memrisers you know of to notify more people?

    Oh, there seems to be a problem: Some official courses contain "Grammar levels," which cause an error.

    Image description

    @johnastsang To be honest, I'm a bit wary of making My Little Word Land topics in those communities, since I'm the My Little Word Land owner; I guess it feels like I'm advertising in Memrise's space XD

    If you or another My Little Word Land user posts to those communities and lets everyone know about this extension, I think that would be fine, though 🙂 I'm just wary of doing it myself.

    I'm still not 100% sure that Memrise is going to be okay with us having their official courses on My Little Word Land. If we get confirmation that they're okay with it, I might also try to make this extension work on the new official courses, since apparently they're just regroupings of the original vocabulary. I'm not sure how that would work out, though.

      @johnastsang I've created version 1.4 of the extension, which skips grammar levels 🙂 It's already available for Firefox, but it'll probably be 24-36 hours before it's approved for Chrome.

        neoncube Thanks! Obviously I can't open the ".memrise-course-progress" files generated. I wonder what information they contain. Specifically, do they distinguish between "ignored" words and words that have been "planted"?

        johnastsang Thanks! 🙂

        The ".memrise-course-progress" files are text files, so you can open them with Notepad, if you'd like to see what's inside. (Right click the file, select "Open with", and select Notepad).

        Indeed, I discovered yesterday that these files contain information about how long a word has been planted but don't contain information about which words have been ignored. I'd like to modify the script so that it also downloads that information, but if that takes 1-2 days to do, and then the update to the Chrome extension takes 1-2 more days to be approved by Google, we'd be getting pretty close to March 31st.

        The updated version of the Chrome plugin is now available, so you should now be able to download progress for courses that contain grammar levels 🙂


        Hi neoncube and thank you for the plugin! It is a true relief to have ones progress saved some place.

        But aren't the community courses only movig to another location after March 31st? Memrise CEO wrote that they themselves will try to find a method to download ones courses and only after that will they shut them down for good. Or did I miss some piece of news from Memrise?

          pfote You are right. You didn't miss anything. Neoncube is only suggesting that we back up progress on Memrise official courses, as they will only live on the new interface but not the site for community courses.

            22 days later

            lyndongraffiti Thanks! 🙂 Sorry for the late reply.

            I'd love to have a button that exports progress for all courses, but I'm afraid that this would overload the Memrise servers. By making it so that courses have to be exported individually, I'm hoping that people will only export courses when they're planning to move to My Little Word Land. If there were a button to export progress for all courses, I'm afraid that people would be tempted to export their progress multiple times, as a backup, which would put significant load on the Memrise servers.

            Can you break up the work and export, say, 10-20 courses every day for a week or two?

              Thanks NeonCube - but could you perhaps export progress for users who are present so far on this Forum - ie one user at a time?

                DW7 I wish I could! 🙂 Only the user has access to their own information, though, which is why this is a browser extension.

                • DW7 likes this.


                neoncube would put significant load on the Memrise servers.

                Would it be possible to have the extension distribute the payload and keep track of what courses' progress has already been downloaded (i.e. by assigning a working directory in its settings)? Max out at 10 courses per day could also e an option.

                FWIW, I wouldn't mind having the add-on run in the background (even over several consecutive days if need be) while I'm working.

                Also, you could also distrubute a max. amount of requests via your own server by providing "slots" (say, 50 concurrent users downloading their progress, others would have to wait). Just a few ideas - I know there might be quite a bit of work involved. :-)

                I also can't quite imagine how much load it would mean to query the progress across 112 courses in my case. Can it really be all that much?