elfendertig Dashboard has changed today. New banner and when clicking on Memrise courses button this pop-up (Dutch version) appears. The right button links to https://explore.memrise.com/nl/klassiek-naar-vervroegde-toegang-hybride (Dutch) for more information. The given information is unclear. On the one hand it says you can't go back to the old experience, on the other hand it says you can still acess community courses. Is someone brave enough to try?
elfendertig Tried it out. Switched to new experience and back again. Nothing appears to be actually different since yesterday, except for the rather lengthy synchronisation process every time when switching to the new experience.
7shi This is the English version of the message. (I didn't click on it because I didn't have the courage)
neoncube Good to know that the community courses are still available 🙂 I guess they mean that the new experience is so good that one won't want to turn back, rather than that one can't turn back XD